Sedation Dentistry is for adults who may have dental anxiety or difficulty undergoing needed dental care. Before you undergo sedation dentistry, we perform a careful screening for any medical conditions that may prevent a patient from being a candidate.
Patients take the sedation pill the night before the office visit. Sedated patients are not able to drive and require an escort to and from the office. Your escort must agree stay with you for the next 12 hours.
What to Expect at Your Sedation Dentistry Appointment
Sedated patients will feel very drowsy by the time they reach the office. A staff member will take you to a comfortable chair where we will monitor your vital signs throughout your visit. Doc Kelly will begin your treatment when you are resting comfortably. After the procedure, your escort will drive you home. Many patients do not remember even being at our office.
Will you be unconscious?
Conscious oral sedation dentistry is also called sleep dentistry and does not put one to sleep. However, many patients choose to sleep through their procedures while sedated. While under sedation patients are very relaxed and be able to respond.
Does my escort have to stay at the office?
During the procedure, your escort is free to stay in our office, or leave and come back to pick you up at the end of the procedure.
Is there any IV?
No intravenous, no tubes or needles. You just simply swallow a sedation pill.
Will I feel anything?
No, the procedure is painless. You will feel no discomfort.
How long does sedation last?
You will be sedated for 2 to 8 hours
Call Kelly Jorn Cook, DDS office today and make your appointment!